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Friday, May 8, 2009

So...... I have to research the "H1N1"

I really don’t follow the news to much. Makes me feel too grown lol……… This whole H1N1/Swine Flu debacle has however caught my attention. I don’t know too much about it, I could google it but why bother I know the basic info. Well I thought I knew the basic info - You catch it you’re doomed. Only prayer and superb medical attention can save you from the fiery pits of hell or the fluffy clouds of heaven…… But that’s not it, there was an actual survivor on the news, she had this same virus back in like ’64 or some shit like that. I was like whatever at first, until JJ Evans referred to it on an episode of Good Times. Yes, call me crazy, but it took a 1970’s sitcom to convince me that there is hope for Swine Flu sufferers.

Just last night I received word that this omen has hit close to home. A child at a close friend/relatives school was “somewhat” diagnosed with this virus. This leads me to the point of my blog -

The less than ghetto antics of the DC public school system

How in the hell could a PRINCIPAL send a voice recording to parents stating that a child was diagnosed with the swine flu and hasn’t been in school since Monday and that the school may or may not be shut down. They will not know until they receive word from the CDC. Oh but please send your children to school on tomorrow, we will send a note home with them regarding the closing of the campus. What the hell does that mean? I could be having a slow moment here but ummm ------- Yeah.

Bitch if you don’t close that mutha fukka down and get some sterilization techniques poppin!

Who the hell in their right mind would send their babies to school when there was a confirmed case of this virus in one of your students? It’s bad enough you don’t know you were exposed until you are chatting it up with the Grim Reaper himself, but to actually suggest that these children grace the halls of your cesspool is absolutely insane. I don’t mean any harm but I can see why Marion’s ass was hittin the pipe! Especially if he had to work directly with someone like you! Man o man he had him a pusher man, some folks can’t take the pressure.

This coming from the same PRINCIPAL that proceeded to withdraw a child that was at the top of his class for four straight years. Principal’s honor roll and all that jazz for none other than ---- poor academic achievement………….. I sure wish I was in line when Degrees were being handed out.

So now, just as everything else that I show interest in once it strikes within my radius I must research this whole H1N1 thingy. I have questions and I really don’t give a damn if my research proves enough to cancel my whole rant, I hate that bitch and she hates me. So fuck her and her dry ass voice messages…….

Mrs. B

1 comment:

  1. I don't totally believethe hype about Swine Flu. First of all it's so contagious that it started at one middle school here in Queens, NY in which students went on a trip to Mexico & it has spread to 12 other schools. Second, the fact that it came so close to Memorial Day is suspicious to me. Cancun has always been a popular vacation site come Memorial Day, but b/c of this outbreak Mexico will lose out on millions of dollars in funds from tourism. Call me crazy, but I think this Porcine flu was strategic placed to hurt Mexico's economy as much as America's has suffered.
