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Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Mrs. B's Crush of the Week

Is none other than

Mr. Daniel Pharr, “The Novice Skydiver is what I call him”

He gets Kudos for sharing the same last name as my ninth grade hottie

Oh yeah and this hot piece, jumped from a plane at 13,500 ft in the air strapped to a skydiving instructor who caught a heart-attack mid-jump and died mid- air. Novice Skydiver then guided their parachute to safety.

Swagerrific, call me?

Mrs. B


  1. Now that' some kind of feat. I would've been frozen stiff as cement if I knew that I was attached to a dead man with a parachute. I wonder if he'll ever sky dive again?

  2. He says he will but wifey and dem want him to keep his feet on the ground
