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Friday, March 27, 2009

A Letter To My Auntie

I wrote this a few months back, a friednd of mine just realized what I was talking about ------ I just wanted to share.......

Dear Auntie,

There is no nice way to say this to you, I mean I do respect my elders to a certain extent and I know that one wrong comment to you can make my life a living hell for days at a time. I have to give it to you straight though - because I am tired of tip toeing around "hoping" that you won’t get wind of how I really and truly feel about you. We have been engaged in a love hate relationship for over the last ten years and I have never once been able to voice my opinion to you. It’s like I hate your ass with a passion every time you come around but at the same time I yearn for you when you take too long to come back.

Oh and don’t you even say you have always been there for me, don’t you dare. You abandoned me for over nine whole months during the course of our relationship, not once but twice. The only reason why that was cool was because of what came out of the neglect. Real funny stopping by those first four months as if nothing was going on, Sure I played a part in your absence but that is no reason to try and ditch me like this in my time of need.
Auntie for real I need you right now, I need you like no other. I can’t make it without you, please find it somewhere in your soul to get me through this. How can I go forth with my plans without you by my side Auntie? You know that you are one of the main reasons why I can gather my thoughts to plan for my future. Okay I know you disagreed with me getting that Depo shot because it drove us apart, I apologize for that. From the bottom of my heart I really know that I messed up. You must understand that I had to protect myself in order to be able to get myself on track. I thought we made amends, I guess you tricked me huh? The joke is all on Sheli right now.

Enough is enough Auntie, I need you to get your ass here asap! Do you seriously believe that because I only see you once a month that I will not catch your ass? Hell to the naw auntie, the best thing for you to do is plant your ass in my womb and then get your flow on like no other. Now is not the time for jokes I have way too much stuff popping off for you to desert me like this. The best thing you can do for me is make a cameo, do it for me, do it for the children, do it for my piece of mind. I am borderline basket case right now and the pre Auntie Flow pangs that pierce my side will be welcomed with open arms this time, I swear to you auntie I have learned my lesson and I appreciate you and all that you do for me.

Mrs. B

P.S. I will even spring for the fancy "equipment" just for you, so please please PLEASE let me see you in the next 7 days, you can pop up at anytime I swear I will not curse you for showing up unannounced.

*** Oh readers, please leave encouraging messages to sway auntie my way****


  1. Took me a minute to realize what auntie you was talkin bout, very very cute!

    I cherish the visits from my Auntie too, mines is sometimey and she shows up when she pleases, if she does at all. Im crossing my fingers your auntie will show up very soon!!

  2. Awww thanks!!! I wrote this months ago ---- that hoe was late as hell! I just wanted to see if it was as hard to get as my homie said it was..... it took her months to get it!!!

    Dont be a stranger

  3. If I'm catching this correctly, it sounds like you are fearing that you may be pregnant. That's some scary shiznit if it's true Sheli, and I would hope that Auntie Flow visits you like tomorrow!

  4. I'm a dude and I got it right away.

  5. Good for u soulbrutha..... but i got it right away too..... but i am so glad i dont have to worry about that anymore i am 33 with no cycle (thanks to a hysterectomy) i am loving it.....

  6. Ooooohhhhh a hysterectomy sounds good and bad right now..... I was so so so nervous when I went through this. I was typing the bog in tears. Good thing I wasn't with child cuz I would probably be in an assylum
