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Friday, January 23, 2009


This Weekly post is an open invitation for each of you to give a huge FUCK YOU to whomever or whatever has been on your last nerve lately.

This FUCK YOU is brought to you by Sunsweet Prune Juice (found at your local grocer)

So that you may let the SHIT go!

I wan’t to start off the FUCK YOUS with a huge FUCK YOU to the common cold! BITCH I can’t taste my food.

And round it off with a grand FUCK YOU to cheap ass Kleenex and ungrateful men – I am tired of running through both yall asses

Feel free to leave your FUCK YOU’S in the comment section

You’re welcome

Mrs. B


  1. I am having FU kind of day... my 1st FU is to my sister for acting like she care about her daughter and me... 2nd FU is to my da he gets on my nerves on a daily basis... 3rd FU is to the weather it constantly changes and bothers my asthma... 4th FU is to my so called friends,its 2009 i need new friends... 5th FU is to the nosey 2 faced neighbors, nosey bitches need to mind there business... there is no need to smile in my face and talk behind my back, get a fuckin hobby... 6th FU is to wolves in sheeps clothing, just when u think u know a person they flip on u, watch the company u keep! 7th FU is to the asshole put extra trash bags in front of my house, if u have to many bags the trash ppl will ride right by your house... 8th FU is to my emotion and being to nice to ppl, i need to learn how to say NO and put myself first... 8th FU is to the slogan MY PRESIDENT IS BLACK! yea yea yea we get it, its getting old OBAMA 08! YES WE CAN!...9th FU is fordizzy as Rocsi on 106 and Park so damn annoy learn how to read lmao.
    I'm done lol.

  2. I wanna add an FU to the dude that can't take a hint and won't stop calling my phone!

  3. Girl LOL at the dude that realized he lost one!!! Just semi had that convo last night---- oh well

  4. I would like to send a FU to my uncle who I won't name, but he's the only uncle I got. With all the crap my father has endured, he continues to be the complete ass that he is & that's his brother. I would do him like a representative from PETA & throw paint all over him. Side note: I always wanted to know what would you call Vodka mixed with prune juice. I dub it the "number 2."

  5. MHS, you know what? A number two though? LMAO dont try that at home, better yet if you gon try that do that "shit" at home. Oh and I follow up your paint with flour! Hohan them biatches !
