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Friday, January 16, 2009

TDTSNBN - I hate it

Hello All, I am sure everyone is busy with their pre-inauguration/Martin Luther “The” King” preparations and what not……… Either way, Valentine’s Day is approaching and I am encouraging you all to get your votes in (look to the right) so that I can mentally prepare for my yearly damn near had alcohol poisoning hang-over.

I snatched this snippet from my myspace blog, this really stands out in my disdain towards this “valentines day” thing. I was in Family Dollar yesterday buying knee highs and what not and I came across some take-out style valentines treat boxes at the register. So I say to the clerk “wow it’s that time again already huh” he says “yes mam it is” (this bitch called me mam, I didn’t curse him for filth because of his heavy southern accent) he meant no harm, I still side eyed his ass though….. After our exchange I had to fight myself all the way to the car in effort not to purchase the dang boxes. My mind was just-a-racing with the type of shit I could put in there and hand out to my “funny valentines” I am proud to say I banished that evil to hell below and I pulled off take-out box free. Enjoy my second reason for hating – ooh I’ma call it TDTSNBN (the day that shall not be named ©)

2 My Ex-Baby R.I.P. Our relationship was fresh, you know that new found feeling you get when you first meet someone? Well we were well into our 10th month of seeing each other and Valentine's Day was quickly approaching. We never really spent too much time together but when we did it was always special. Me being busy with work and school and him having "2" jobs – or so I thought, (ahh hem) All that weekend I racked my mind thinking of what we could do, I didn't want to buy anything I wanted to spend time together since we were both very busy. I decided on an evening at the B-More Harbor, yeah that was perfect… cold but different.

So the big day arrives and he surprises me at work with a gift, I was standing in the cut sneaking a cigarette and I see him crossing the parking lot. I was like "what's going on.?" Then he pulls out this monstrosity of a gift, it was a freaking Teddy Bear wrapped in cellophane, you know the kind you get at stop lights? He said he was in a rush and he would be back later to meet me so I thanked him for the "gift" and went inside. I called my friend up to the front so that she could witness my joy in opening the present.

I unwrapped it and the bear was cute, there were flowers and stuff too. I began my search, I turned the bear over and under, felt it's neckline my eyes scanned it's arms and legs in search of my gift. I thought “maybe it's in the flowers” at last my friend began laughing hysterically. She was like "what are you doing?" I was like "looking for my present" Then she topples over with laughter talking bout "that is it girl" I stood there thinking to myself, she is right - this is it. A freaking bear and flowers, no bracelet – no earrings-no necklace- no nothing. I had to call him, maybe it was a clue to the "big gift" needless to say the conversation went south, I didn't go to the Harbor and he was informed that once you reach a certain age picking up a gift that rolled off the back of some street vendor's truck is completely unacceptable. I still miss him though, R.I.P.

Mrs. B


  1. Even I wouldn't show up with the cellophane bear. I'm more of the grocery store bunch of flowers type of dude.

  2. Damn Mrs.B

    Well atleast you got that....

    All I get is lost memories

  3. I almost want to laugh...but damn Mrs. B lmao u ungrateful.............lmmfao.......... sike u know I would have tripped like damn son u had 10 months to prepare for this lls.

  4.'s need to step there game up and get it
    a teddy bear?!?
    and you're grown...
